Sunday, November 9, 2014

Getting Ready for the Craft Show

I've been working this week organizing my table for the Harvest Festival Boutique, my first craft show of the season. The boutique is at Rockaway Valley School in Boonton Township from 3:30 to 8:00 pm on Friday, November 21, 2014.

I'm using my daughters' American Girl dolls to model some of the outfits I've created. They are all dark haired dolls. L, my granddaughter, slept over during Teachers' Convention last week and noticed that all the dolls were dark haired. So, L kindly offered her AG doll, Lanie, as another model because Lanie has blonde hair. L asked that I sew a blue gown for Lanie because the gown will look "really good with her blonde hair and blue eyes." She also said that if that gown doesn't sell, Lanie would love to keep it!

I dressed my daughter's "Me" doll in  a soccer uniform I designed to match the soccer uniforms of the RVS 2013 Group I soccer champs. I hope you think I did the team justice!

2013 Rockaway Valley School Soccer Champs
Playing Soccer

I'm still trying to make a few more dresses before the 21st and was able to cut out two more. Now, if I can only get them finished. Below are some outfits that I have already finished. Since my business is UNIQUE Threads and Yarns and "unique" is defined as "being only one of its kind; unlike anything else," I only create one or two similar dresses. Honestly, the reason I only make a few of each styles is that I get bored sewing the same pattern over and over again.

 The outfit at the left includes the skirt and t-shirt that has a ruffle down the center that's hidden under the scarf. The infinity scarf and the crocheted "Julie" hat are each separate. I've made the scarves and hats in different colors.

My Favorite, Polka Dots
30's Style School Dress

Knit Hat, Scarf and Mittens
Sock Hop Jumper w/ Blouse

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