Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Great Holiday Bazaar

Saturday's weather forecast is for bright and sunny skies. A perfect day to attend the Flanders Fire Company and Rescue Squad Holiday Bazaar. It's one of my favorite shows and for such a worthy cause. It's a fairly new bazaar run by friendly people and gets bigger and better each year.   Come out and see what's new at Unique Threads and Yarns; the shop for all your 18" doll clothes.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Libraries Are More Than Just Books

Many of my 18" doll dresses are on display at the Library of the Chathams during November and December! The idea began back in May 2016 when my friend Cathy, a volunteer at the library, asked the head of Youth Services, Jaime Sabonya, how they chose the displays for the multiple cabinets throughout the library. She said that sometimes the library creates them and sometimes groups/people apply. So, that's just what I did. I emailed Ms. Sabonya my ideas and sent her my blog link to view my dresses. She replied they were beautiful and thought the main display case would give better exposure. The month of November was open and Unique Threads and Yarns was written in. I did have one major concern; the dolls would be on display during my busiest craft show season. Once again, a friend came to my rescue. Her daughters are now in high school and college and she had stored their AG dolls. She graciously loaned me three of their dolls. Could not have done both the display and shows if she had not done so. Thank you Gretchen and daughters. Being that the display was in a library, I wanted to bring in more than just the American Girl dolls dressed in my handmade clothes. (It's the teacher in me. I want to make everything a learning experience!) I found my daughters' original books for Samantha, Molly and Addy. Digging deeper into my closet led me to discover I still had Welcome to Samantha's World. It's a great book that explains all about growing up during the Victorian Era. It has so many interesting facts and pictures. I also put together a timeline of important happenings about the American Girl dolls. And that was that... I just finished, with the help of my friend Cathy and Deborah Fitzgerald, one of the librarians, setting up the display. I think it looks good and I hope it creates lots of interest in Unique Threads and Yarns.
Library of the Chathams Display

2016 Holiday Craft Show Schedule